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Banner - LogicLab New features


New version LogicLab

21/10/2022 Written by. Lorenzo Raftacco

We have released the new version of LogicLab (based on LLab Axel Rel. The new version implements important functions that will facilitate the development of your applications and make the use of our PLCs even more convenient. New Functions List below the main new functions available in the new version. For a complete list...

Photos, New eco-friendly packaging


SlimLine - New environmentally friendly packaging

06/06/2022 Written by. Lorenzo Raftacco

Defending the environment with new environmentally friendly packaging We have changed the packaging of the SlimLine series PLCs . The devices in the series are now packaged in recyclable and biodegradable boxes, made entirely of cardboard, branded and more compact in size. Benefits for Customers Facilitated recycling By using a single material, sorting is easier. Reduction of.

Photo - Weincloud - Cloud monitoring platform


Weincloud - Cloud monitoring platform

26/01/2022 Written by. Lorenzo Raftacco

    In the face of pandemic-induced changes in the business world, Enterprises have an urgent need to accelerate digital transformation. Even in light of Plan 4.0 introduced by many countries, including Italy, cloud integration plays a key role, but its technical and cost barriers have often prevented...

Banner - Backup-Restore


Backup-Restore functionality on controllers SlimLine

27/09/2021 Written by. Lorenzo Raftacco

The SlimLine series PLCs are now equipped with Backup-restore functionality. Starting with Firmware release SFW198E000 (included in the PCK051B000 distribution), all SlimLine CPUs based on Cortex M7 processors will be equipped with Backup-Restore functionality. The feature makes it easier for less experienced and/or otherwise experienced personnel to maintain installed devices...

Screenshot- HWg-cloud vs. SensDesk Monitoring


SensDesk vs. HWg-cloud

02/09/2021 Written by Lorenzo Raftacco

The usage policy of the HWg cloud portal SensDesk has changed. The portal dedicated to publishing data collected by HW group sensors SensDesk until now was available in two versions: SensDesk Free - Free, but with limit of 3 connectable devices per account and 90 days of data history SensDesk PRO - License...


Playlist Tips and Tricks

05/31/2021 Written by Gianluca

A new playlist has been created on our YouTube channel: Tips and Tricks. What will it be about? This playlist is designed to collect short videos about tips and tricks, which are useful for programming, configuring and using our products. You can find the playlist at this link.

Elsist Stories

Elsist Stories: Universal Automatic School Bell Programmer

08/01/2021 Written by. Gianluca

Functional features The system consists of an electrical panel that contains within it all the equipment: the control unit, the safety extra-low voltage power supply, and the battery pack for emergency power supply in case of power failure. The system independently provides for the control of the bells at the preset time, but one or more optional buttons...


New pages and new firmware, speed and debugging features

12/23/2020 Written by. Gianluca

New pages and new firmware... on our site in the downloads section there is an update available for the following CPU codes: MPS054***0, MPS056***0, PCB137***0, PCB141***0. This update includes several improvements, but let's look at them in order. Web Pages First, it is necessary to specify that with this update the pages no longer exchange data with the PLC...

Banner - Industry evolution


Industry 4.0

25/11/2020 Written by Lorenzo Raftacco

What is Industry 4.0 The term Industry 4.0 (or Industry 4.0) refers to a trend in industrial automation that integrates new production technologies to improve working conditions and increase the productivity and production quality of plants. Named after the German government's industrial plan, unveiled in 2011 and made concrete in late 2013,...

COVID via aerosol


CO2 control in environments to reduce the risk of COVID19 contamination

22/10/2020 Written by Lorenzo Raftacco

Monitoring the values of CO2 present in air-conditioned environments represents a good practice that every installer/manager of air-conditioning systems should always implement. Since people during their stay in an environment produce carbon dioxide through breathing, the CO2 level is an excellent indicator of air quality. This control turns out to be...

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