The new platform Weincloud Dashboard is the most simple, effective and inexpensive for theintegration of features Industry 4.0 in almost all industrial and other machines and plants.
Weincloud Dashboard Is a graphical web interface, easily configured through editors web based Drag & Drop, which allows remote and centralized display of information and data from one or more machines/facilities, even those physically located at a distance.
Weincloud Dashboard allows easy remote access, to information, through the configuration of real graphical dashboards and tables, for the depiction of real-time or historicized data (max 365gg), capable of giving the user a quick and complete view of the functioning of their processes, industrial but not only.
The configuration of Weincloud Dashboard is very simple and no special computer skills are needed. It is an affordable activity for everyone!
As of 01/15/2025 Weincloud Dashboard is available under license at a cost Una Tantum and attivabile con Card, come avviene per EasyAccess 2.0.
The license DashBoard Weincloud provides:
- 100 Standard Tags
- 20 Storable Tags
- 1 year of data storage
- 10 daily maximum downloads of historical data
E’ possibile espandere la dotazione di Tag attraverso la licenza “Espansione Tag” che prevede ulteriori 50 Tag standard e 10 storicizzabili.
L’attivazione della licenza Espansione Tag avviene attraverso invio di un codice di attivazione.
The service is available as a free trial for 90 days.
Supported devices:
- Cloud HMI cMT-2008X Series
- Cloud HMI cMT-3000X Advanced Series
- Cloud HMI cMT-FHDX-220
- Cloud HMI cMT-SVRX-82x
For more information about Weintek products visit:
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